Friday, December 2, 2022

(#5052) Covid is under control, jobs are increasing, and gas prices going down

      This months jobs report was on par with the recovery President Biden initiated back when he became president. There is no comparison to the way our national economy has been operating since the end of the appointed trump. Instead of massive deaths caused by delays to combat Covid when trump was in charge, Covid is now under control except in those areas where trump supporters refuse to get vaccinated. If the foolish wish to continue to follow the advice of a conman then who are we to stop them after we have tried logic and common sense to protect them? The economy had lost 2,876,000 jobs under the entirety of the trump administration.
     President Biden on the other hand has added over 10 million new jobs in his first less than 2 years. The contrast couldn't be more clear in how President Biden used a strategy to put folks to work instead of the trump model to give tax breaks to the wealthy. As to the price of gas per gallon being Joe Biden fault let us remember that in 2020, trump made a deal with Saudi Arabia to cut the output of oil. So that started the price increases globally. Since the end of trump's term the price of gasoline had increased. Then the invasion of Ukraine by the tyrant putin put another strain on global petroleum availability. So to blame President Biden for the actions of trump and putin is seriously messed up!
     With jobs still increasing, despite inflation cutting measures by the Federal Reserve, and wage increases continuing, with gas prices still going down the future of our economy is brightening by the day. We are surely not there yet but the correct path forward is being taken. What will republicans do next to sabotage our economy I am not sure but we are not unaware of their motives to do so. They want an unsettled economy in the USA so that they have something to run on in 2024. Otherwise their messaging will only be about racist, misogynist division. President Biden is doing his best despite the less than patriotic help he is getting from too large a majority of republicans!

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