Wednesday, December 21, 2022

(#5071) Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine!

      Tomorrow at this time I will be writing about how more than 100,000 young Russian troops have died in Ukraine. As of today the number is 99,740. Since more than 400 Russian troops have been by average dying every day for the last several weeks it is most likely that tomorrows numbers will push the overall beyond 100,000. Think about that number for a moment. Filling up the Rose Bowl with 100,000 young men and then realizing that they are not alive any more is surreal. All because putin the tyrant wants to control the world. If you think about the "only" 58,200 American troops who died in Vietnam over an 8 year period, you begin to see how callous putin is toward his own people.
     These Russian troop deaths are as of today been done in 300 days. In 300 days about 334 Russian troops have died per day on average. I don't know if the Russian society can keep up this pace of sacrificing their young generation for much longer. I mean a whole Russian generation is losing its ability to continue the cycle of births that Russians need to keep their society intact. Not only that the young work force that is being slaughtered through putin's egomaniacal invasion will hamper Russia in its economy and in its evolvement to fresh and new ideas. What putin is doing is not only harming the Ukrainian society but it is devastating the Russian one as well.
     I hear that putin is trying to conscript another 200 thousand plus army to continue the attack on the sovereign nation of Ukraine. After tomorrow the losses will continue for Russia and then what will be left of young men in Russia? Ukraine is never going to buckle to putin and putin is dead set against withdrawing and admitting defeat. So more young Russians will die and more harm will come to the Russian society on so many levels. The only way for this madness of putins to stop is for those around him to stop him. Otherwise the next 100,000 dead young Russian soldiers will be on their way to early graves.

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