Thursday, December 1, 2022

(#5051) December starting off as a wet one

      It was December 1st at 4:30 in the morning when I first heard the patter of rain on my houses roof. I am usually awake at about that time trying and failing to decide to sleep an extra hour. But instead after hearing that round of rain hitting the roof I got excited and quickly made my way up and at em. Rain for me is a salve to my soul. It lifts me up and makes me smile. I have been a Californian for the largest chunk of my life so I am well aware of our consistent desperate drought conditions. So any inkling of rain is a celebration within me that is not often comparable with much else these days.
     When I was young I loved the springs, summers, and falls for the hot weather and sunshine they afforded us here. I was often out being adventurous and always had a dark tan to show for my efforts. I am older now and have swung 180° toward loving the cold and consistent rain. As I said I spent much of my life here in California but some of my life up in Seattle and Fairbanks. So I got used to cold rainy, snowy days and came to appreciate their effects. Now that I am currently well situated back in my hometown of Sacramento, I yearn for those days of rain/snow, wind and cool temperatures. So this morning now for the last hour and a half the rain has been coming down and the night sky is keeping the temperature down.
     I know the world isn't about me but every now and then something I desire in a general way does come around. Such as these next several days of rainy weather. Over the last few days I anticipated this rain and got outside to clean up the last of the fallen leaves and organized my yard for the coming deluge of rain. I can stay inside now and only need to go outside to do daily necessary chores instead of hurried up forgotten tasks which always need to be done when rain is coming. No doubt as the temperatures are close to freezing here the mountain ranges will be getting supplied with many feet of snow. Good things happen here in California when the rain comes and the snow accumulates. Here is to a healthy storm of some lengthy duration. :)

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