Tuesday, December 13, 2022

(#5063) Nuclear fusion is becoming a reality

      I cannot tell you how happy I was to see that a breakthrough in nuclear fusion occurred just recently. Today it was announced by Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm that a necessary ground breaking achievement of gaining more energy from a lesser amount of energy. The implications of this first step of creating power is enormous. The first and foremost positive is that we may well be on our way within a decade of having a nuclear fusion reactors capable of powering our clean energy needs. There is much to be done with creating structures that capture this new breakthrough but the hard work to get a workable process going is now paramount among scientific minds.
     I have said this here in my past blog posts that we humans are an amazing species. We are able to gather information, analyze that information, reason that information and then conclude some logic from it. Our minds are like data processing centers and as such have allowed us to emulate our minds and create computers with memory links. our physical abilities have also been translated into operational mechanical and yes biological machinery that increases our capacity of force and magnitude. We are not to be discounted in this Universe as anything less than stellar. Our human condition is a magnificent one and with the step out into nuclear fusion we will again show existence that we are not insignificant.
     Science and logic with common sense has been our enlightened hallmark paradigm. We don't always get it correct the first time but we do bend toward the better and best of what we discover. The possibility now of changing our climate back to a healthy one is immeasurable. From clean air and water to ease of function and space travel. The unlimited possibilities are now within reach of our species. What may be lacking now in curiosity and educational advancement will now begin to change. We have a brilliant future to advance because nuclear fusion will change everything for the better. If you are not as motivated as I am I understand but know this, with nuclear fusion, our minds will for the good never be the same.

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