Friday, December 9, 2022

(#5059) Arizona's sinema sucker punches democrats

      The evolution of kyrsten sinema into a corporatist is complete however she could go further and even caucus with republicans. Yet she has stated that she won't. She has also stated she wants to keep her committee assignments with democrats. The thing is can we believe her? She started out as a valuable democratic member and then quickly morphed into a plaything for mitch mcconnell. just after securing the 51st senate seat a few days ago sinema plays this card to now make it a bit tougher for democrats to count on her vote. Registering now as an independent she will still vote for a majority of the democratic agenda but her switching parties does make it more difficult for democrats to hold her seat in 2024.
     She has been a bit of a social butterfly on the senate floor and now she is freed to do even more of that. Giving republican senators more attention than they deserve. It is just horrible that her unprincipled move is at a time when all things important to keeping our democracy alive is critical. She is selfish and dishonorable. I say that because the voters in Arizona believed she would be true to her word on progressive issues. Chief among them was protecting voting rights. Her absurd protection of a rights denying filibuster rule in the senate was the last straw for me and highlighted the need for her to be contested in the democratic primary in 2024.
     Well sinema has taken that likely primary challenge off the board for now as she won't be on any democratic candidate list in Arizona. If she does run for another term as an independent she will likely still lose but siphon off enough votes to damage a democratic victory, thus handing the republicans her seat. She has been a thorn in the side of her constituents and her democratic colleagues on the senate floor. What she has actually become is a corporatist who sees the world through financial gain for herself and the wealthy. Much like republicans so I suppose her not going full bore and committing to caucus with republicans is a bit of a silver lining, to date, but how can we ever trust her tomorrow? Boo on her!

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