Wednesday, December 14, 2022

(#5064) Russian soldiers are dying at increasing rates in Ukraine

      Since December 11th, 2,260 Russian soldiers have been killed in Ukraine. So for the last four days, starting December 11th with 320 Russian soldiers dying. Then December 12th with 620 dying and then December 13th with 500 dying and now today, with 740 dying a pattern of deaths equaling 565 on average over four days is occurring. The total deaths of Russian soldiers in the Ukrainian invasion by Russia is now at 96,000 dead Russian soldiers. It is unfathomable to many of us that Mother Russia is allowing it's youth to be destroyed all for the propagandist ego of it's current tyrant putin.
     At this rate the death toll of Russian soldiers will be over 100,000 in less than 10 days time. Can you picture a mass column of young Russian soldiers obliterated from life because putin has an ego larger than their right to exist? Ukraine posed no threat to Russia and had even bent over backwards to appease Russia. But instead of being respectful of Ukrainian sovereignty putin wanted to destroy them for not wanting to become subservient to Russian hegemonic ambitions. Nearly 100,000 dead Russian young men. A whole generation of Russian lives that will now never have a chance to pursue any happiness.
     All because an ego riddled tyrant could not stop his addiction to power. Sounds eerily similar to the want-to-be-tyrant here in the USA. But in the case of Russia's tyrant, the fodder of young men is/are continuing to being heaped upon the altar of death for his pleasure. Russia has made the mistake of testing the resolve of Ukraine, that was their first mistake. The second and ongoing mistake Russia made was not cutting their losses and stopping the death march for their dwindling youth population. Now, not only will Ukraine wrest further away from the Russian grip but other regions in Europe will be emboldened to follow Ukraine's lead. How many more Russian youth must be liquidated before the ego of putin has evaporated?

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