Saturday, December 3, 2022

(#5053) Over 1.8 million early voters in Georgia senate runoff

      The momentum from early voters is alive and well in this special election for the last Senate seat. I see any early vote as a more likely democratic one than republican one especially in such large numbers. Over 3.9 million voters cast ballots in the just completed Senate race in Georgia. So having 1.8 million votes already received by the Georgia election committee, foretells a total by the end of election day on December 6th of a similar November 8th voting electorate. It would not surprise me if 2 million or more Georgians vote on Tuesday December 6th. If so then the race is going to be tight but not too tight for several reasons. With both candidates the only ones on the ballot, a lack of interest by republicans will not draw as many votes for the republican candidate because of his trumpian stances.
     On the other hand the democrat will continue to draw his same voters from the just completed general midterm election. Because nothing has changed as to the desire to have him win this seat. Unlike with the republican who is a flawed man who was helped along by other republican candidates on the ballot on November 8th. On his own he doesn't inspire the same commitment of republican voters to put a lot of effort into his attempt to win this seat. As well the impetus to win the Senate is gone so the motivation to spend ones time giving to a man who will do little to change the outcome of the Senate majority is tempered.
     The republican candidate is not an example of someone who inspires others to be like him unless you consider his football efforts. Otherwise politically he is naive and misinformed at best. His devotion to trump is also a problem for him as trump has alienated the republican establishment in Georgia. He is also a mightily flawed human being with his life in general. Often negating his own message with his own actual lifestyle. As to the democrat he is a man of faith, which to many is a positive and he actually lives his life within that paradigm. He is also a man of integrity who is not afraid to speak truth to power. I don't usually try to give a prediction on close races like this one but in my mind the democrat should prevail in a way that upsets the close prediction expectation.

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