Friday, December 30, 2022

(#5080) 6,020 dead Russian soldiers in Ukraine over the last 10 days

      As you can easily tell, over 600 Russian soldiers are dying per day over the last 10 days. It is just incredible to me that the Russian people are letting this happen to their sons. 105,250 dead Russian soldiers since last February 24th. Can you even imagine the toll this is taking on the Russian society? I can't and yet it will be another mass slaughter of Russian soldiers for the foreseeable future because putin and his kremlin allies are so full of themselves to think that they can sustain this and still win the invasion of Ukraine. This to me is the greatest mass slaughter of one's own soldiers I could have imagined happening.
     Surely there were despots in previous centuries that ordered their fighting men into the hopeless fire of death to sate their own egos on a similar scale but to be witnessing it now is incredibly horrific given the means and modes of information available in an enlightened world. Yet the few varied pockets of tyrannical rule in the world are proving to be just as callous as their long forgotten infamous predecessors. In times like this I am a stalwart hard man who will fight to protect the better and best of who we are but even I am shocked at the level of condescension that putin has for his fellow countrymen. How many more young Russian soldiers will be killed in Ukraine before putin is stopped? Will he sacrifice his whole country?
     The Russian people need to be more than they are showing. They have long held a pride in themselves that is now being exposed as folly. They are willingly letting their tyrant ruler destroy their lives for the sake of putin's ego. The Ukrainian people are not going anywhere yet the Russian people seem to think they deserve Ukraine. One of these things will not happen and as it now stands the Russian people are the real losers. Not only are they going to lose in trying to capture Ukraine but they are going to lose even more in blood. A whole generation of Russian men is being wiped off the face of the Earth and the fathers and mothers of those young men don't seem to care. How sad for the Russian society but at this point there is no remorse coming from them.

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