Sunday, December 25, 2022

(#5075) No holiday in Ukraine

      Many in the world are taking time today to celebrate whatever their faith and beliefs dictate. However in Ukraine the taking of time to celebrate is tempered with an armed push to remove an invader from their country. There is no peace in Ukraine today. Good people being bombed and shot at is their reality not sitting around a tree in the safety of gift giving excitement. In Ukraine the urgent need for shelter, power, water, and food is what most hope for not some fancy car or new pair of the latest shoes. Not being a target of an ego driven tyrant whom has solidified his place in the notorious hall of shame, is there wish. Seeing their children go without is not their dream for their present and future.
     But what they can expect is to fight. Fight with all their hearts and minds to maintain their democracy and show the world that no one, not putin, nor any tyrant, can remove their pride in being self governing Ukrainians! It is hard for me to sit here in the comfort of my home and feel the daily Ukrainian pain. It is hard for me to sit here in my home and enjoy peace when peace is being denied by a Russian tyrant and his cabal in the kremlin. Even too large a part of the Russian people are to blame for siding with their tyrannical leader. So this christmas morning while the world is practicing a day of giving to each other I find that less impressive when innocent lives are being taken in Ukraine.
     Some try to tell me that I should just enjoy the holiday despite the troubles of the world. But I am not one to disassociate realities. All things occur in the present at the same time so trying to ignore one reality in favor of another is not logical. Until we stop the tyrants from waging wars we will never know peace. So fighting against tyranny is our duty! If we shirk our duty then we shirk our ethics and principles. There can be no pride in our way of life if we cannot stand for the best of who we are and fight to maintain that virtue. No holiday in Ukraine today but they are fighting to have one next year.

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