When Rene Descartes proposed his evidence for existing, "Cogito, ergo sum", "I think therefore I am" it also served as evidence negating doubt. To have to say one exists is also an argument against the doubt of the existing. I bring this up as a foundation for saying that self awareness is natural to human beings and should be understood as proof of our natures. I say that curiosity is one of the two main natures, compassion being the other, of we human beings. So being curious and self aware about our existence is also natural. We know that curiosity is the sense that we need to know more in what we already understand. The same with self awareness, it is a sensing of who we are and adapting that to who we are in relation to others.
Being self aware is not only knowledge of who we are and who we want to be but it is also a feeling of empathy toward all those in existence who are also confined by it. In other words we are all in this existence together trying to make sense of how to properly exist within it. The complexities of existing bring us together on a planet not unlimited in it's resources. So we build societies based upon the rule of law and principles of democracy. Well we should all be doing that but obviously we see too many examples of that not being the case. Such as those in the title of this blog post. The putins, trumps, and musks of this world have not evolved into their own self awareness and how that properly aligns with the rest of us.
You will know those who have yet to evolve as civilized humans by their inability to function in an empathetic state. They see the world through the lens of insensitivity. They don't know the pain and suffering of others because they cannot extend out beyond themselves. They only feel their own sensations and disregard feelings of others as a weakness on the part of others. They are not evolved human beings. They are instead rudimentary souls who never defined for themselves an association of care with others. They mostly only care for themselves. This is a disorder that generally can be described as narcissistic personality disorder. Although it is possible to cure oneself of this disorder it is highly unlikely because complex self reflection and realizing personal flaws are often obstructed by the disorder itself.
This blog will be an advocate for compassion, curiosity and human survival. When these elements of human nature are being denied, wholly, severally or individually, less than positive human traits are the outcome. It is my wish and hope that my reasonings on a variety of subjects will provide the readers of this blog with personal and public insights. My only motive is to provide a forum for advancing enlightenment. Carl Clark.
Saturday, March 8, 2025
(#5879) Having a conscience is being self aware, unlike putin, trump and musk
Friday, March 7, 2025
(#5878) The only way to stop a lie is to discover the truth!
For far too long too many people have been too easily duped into believing things that are not true. It isn't that these lies are not easily debunked it is that too many folks prefer the lie over any truth! The lies fit their world view despite the fact of them being wrong. For them it is easier to live in an existence that is illogical than to accept reality as it is. Living life for the easiness of it is weird. It isn't true so why be part of a false consciousness? For me it is counter productive to accept things as true when they are false. I want to accept the truth as true and then build upon that to discover even more true things. That is the foundation of logic. My human nature is compassion and curiosity. Simply put, I care about my and others feelings as much as I care about what I don't know.
None of us is born greater than another. Sure some of us are born into luxury and power while others of us are born into poverty and great hopelessness. Yet there is no difference in us as a species. We have the same bodily attributes and the same functioning mind. Those who are pampered and glorified through birth are only that because of a system of inequity. Not a correct system of genuineness . What does separate us as a species from each other is our gifted individualness. Some of us are massively talented and others of us have two left feet. Some of us have brains that enhance the incredible while others of us cannot even manage our own lives. It is through talent and merit that we only see differences.
I mentioned a couple of factual differences but they are in the minority when it comes to our similarities. What we have as a species in common is overwhelmingly the truest nature of a human being. We all are born into this existence as an innocent. By degree we are all nurtured with emotion and understanding into our adulthoods. We are all given that basic foundation of knowledge that allows us to not only communicate with each other but an opportunity to fulfill whatever it is we wish to learn, know, and become. The pursuit of happiness truly is within all of us because we learn that life really is short. Living the best as an objective human being is always greater than living in an existence where the lies sow confusion instead of the truth revealing who we are.
Thursday, March 6, 2025
(#5877) Don't be caught not knowing democracy is being dismantled
Unfortunately, whether by hook or crook, the trump administration is clearing the way for democracy to be dismantled. It isn't a stark conclusion yet because the judges have not been defied by him and his acolytes. But that is the last hurdle for trump to jump over for his dream of being like putin comes about. There is one more subset branch of government that may also grind trump to a halt and that is the legislative republican controlled Senate. The republican controlled House seems to be in the tank for trump but the Senate has yet to confirm they are in the tank for trump also. We shall see soon enough but for sure the rule of law in the judicial branch is showing it isn't in the tank for trump.
All other signs are pointing directly at trump and putin siding on the side of tyranny. With trump distancing himself from Ukraine and even starting to undo policies that helped protect Ukraine from putin, the change from democracy to tyranny is underway. We who were not allowed to have our candidate elected, fairly or unfairly, have been sounding the alarm for nearly a decade but it seems that too many did not believe us. Well that time is now here to see for anyone who would be objective. The next question then becomes what do we do next? How do we survive in this chaos that is disrupting our freedoms and rights? The first thing that must happen is for us to become clear with our awareness of the problem.
Our nation together must realize the danger that is now in effect all around us. We may differ on a wide range of policies but not to the point of burning down our house and letting a cruel enterprise rebuild it. We are still the greatest democracy on the planet and can reverse this current dilemma. However we are short on time and need a charge as of yet unseen in modern times on the soil of America. We Americans are not filthy nor cowards. We are stronger together in unity than anything or anyone. Yet we need that unity to begin now as the dismantling of democracy is moving at a fast pace. We who are not willing to let democracy disappear on our watch must find it within ourselves to force an action greater than the force currently bending us toward its brutish will.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
(#5876) The weight of time and space
I suggest all you younger people get out into life and experience the wonders of our world before you settle in to your eventual routines. Because when you are young your body is vibrant and alive. When you get older your body will take on the pains and affliction that come with age. After a certain amount of time you quit refreshing as a young person and instead modulate into a declining state. Then is when you will truly know how difficult life is when your body cannot keep up with your still young mind. So take heed and get out into the world and live with a gusto that you find happy. I am sitting here on the threshold of 70 and still my mind thinks I am 20.
The problem is that mind over matter is rare. So as I continue to stretch the boundaries of my limited abilities I only add to those limitations with aches and pains still new to my knowledge bank. The good thing for me is that I didn't start a career out of the starting line and instead experienced life on my terms before I became another cog in the wheel. Know this, we all eventually end up being a cog in the wheel. Just take some time before committing to that if possible. When you are young your abilities are at a high potential unlike later when gravity and repetition become major influencers. I won't tell you how I lived my early adulthood but suffice it to say I was adventurous and bold.
I took nothing for granted and took care of myself in the most fundamental ways thus keeping myself true to me. Yet I was part of life not just watching it from a distance. I didn't get an early start on my retirement, I lived as if I was retired in my early youth. I knew from observation of the world around me that getting caught up in major responsibilities before I was ready would only usher in a failure for me. I know I am only going to live once in this existence and for a bit as an early adult I wanted it to be on my terms, a choice, not as a demand. Here I am now nearer the end of my life with few regrets about how I lived with memories I have experienced. I am fortunate in this regard. I look around and see people who have waited until they are older to get out and experience life only to be living it not in their youth nor the time of their youth without their best health.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
(#5875) Awakening the sleeping giant
In the 1970 movie Tora Tora Tora, the actor playing the role of Japanese Admiral Yamamoto uttered the phrase, “I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant” when attacking Pearl Harbor before officially declaring war against the United States of America. I get the same sense now from what trump and vance did to Ukrainian President Zelenskyy in the White House a few days ago. In this scenario, trump and vance used a strong arm tactic employed by hitler when working to annex Eastern Europe into his control just previous to World War II. Invite the leader of the country you want to annex and then ambush them with threats. However, Zelenskyy didn't succumb to the pressure from trump/vance and instead defied them.
The whole affair at the White House was televised so that trump's new ally, tyrant putin, could watch how trump supported him. The rest of the world also watched what trump assumed was going to be a climatic attack and surrender by Zelenskyy. What happened instead was a sickening by those of us who are not cowards nor bullies. We saw first hand the stench of trump play out in real time. His demanding of acquiescence from a hero who is not only fighting for his life but for the life of his country was a bridge too far. What trump was fighting for was favor from a dictator. The shock of it was nearly immediate.
Not only did the rest of the world feel disgusted with the trump/vance bullying of Zelenskyy but we, myself included, immediately rallied behind Zelenskyy with unwavering support. So the plan of trump to annihilate the pride and conviction of Zelenskyy backfired and served to strengthen it instead. Meanwhile the backlash against trump has been swift and overpowering. An awakening has happened that not only reversed the effect that trump/vance hoped for but made a large segment of our American population awaken to the fact that trump/vance are not on the side of democracy! I use my own Facebook page to back my observations. From before the ambush my page was mostly silent about the trump destruction of our democracy. But since the ambush my page is filled with both disgust for trump and with pride for Zelenskyy/Ukraine.
Monday, March 3, 2025
(#5874) I feel the surge against the heartless!
Those who play at being human are being found out! What the trumps did at the White House to President Zelenskyy has defined for so many people now the true nature of the trump administration. That trump is found out is a perfect place to start the revolt against him. What trump thought was a perfectly executed ambush of a hero like Zelenskyy has completely backfired into an indictment against the republican party. Even those who are trying to defend the trump dishonorable act in the White House are doing it against the hardened grain of protest and anger. Their defense of trump is hollow and timid with no force of truth.
The American people saw what trump and his bootlickers did and are not having any of it. A rallying around President Zelenskyy is not only growing but it is exploding into a movement away from trump that trump was clearly shocked by. Even he is being off put by the reality he is now facing. Less than 45 days into his presidency and he has shown most all of us his true self. A dastardly coward who plays at being a human being. It is all downhill now for him and if he thinks he can bulldoze and bullshit the American people like he thought he could, he now cannot and will be forced to either continue to be berated every day for his deceptions or change from them.
I know this much about trump. He will not change his behavior because he is not capable of learning and evolving. He will stand pat on his delusions and cruelties no matter how many turn away from him. I expect that the relationship trump has with the growing masses against him will lead to something untoward and ridiculous. The arc of justice is about to come around against the injustice trump would create. The force behind the arc is overwhelmingly mounting and what trump does next will define the next not too far into the future moments that are coming. A word of fact, we did this to ourselves and now we must undo it to ourselves by remaining true to ourselves.
Sunday, March 2, 2025
(#5873) Choose your battles wisely
We are in the mix of it now. With the trumps running the show we who are now relegated to spectator status need to consider hard when the right time will be to enter into the fray and stand on the side we know is correct. Most of us are concerned about our financial livelihoods so not creating a financial disaster for ourselves is prudent. Yet a time will come when all other considerations about our current economic status will shrink in the face of a harsh and cruel unwelcome social order. We must have a mindset already in place where we have a plan for sacrificing what could be safe for ourselves momentarily for the unknown that offers us a chance to rebuild our democracy.
I am talking about risk! When do we risk being a part of the solution when we are still beholden to letting others fight for us? Playing it safe so that neither side in the battle can identify us as their adversary. That tricky balancing act of not of not being identifiable yet also being a part. Listen, I know how that works. In my less admirable past I avoided doing what is correct because I feared any and all reprisals. I would skirt the issues but not entirely so that no matter how the solution came about I was not seen as a bad guy. But in my heart and soul I knew I was. I have lived long enough to have made many mistakes but what I have done in my life is correct them once understood.
You won't see me shirk or slink around issues that are important. I know that being on the correct side of democracy and honor is worth any price I may pay. No price is too large for me to pay when freedom, liberty of life, and pursuit of happiness is endangered. I have already chosen where I stand with my voice and my deeds. The rest of us must find our way to the same conclusion. The when that happens is all that remains to be accomplished. Silence is a strategy that will only temporarily work when others have sacrificed too much. Getting past silence because of fear of many things in our lives is how we eliminate the threat of those who would silence us forever!
Saturday, March 1, 2025
(#5872) The embarrassment that is trump
I will not give up my right to speak about that which offends me. I don't care about any type of threat the trumps level. They are a disgusting cabal of ignoramuses. What they did to a true hero from Ukraine is so low that it leaves a stain so filthy that I cannot stand the stench of it. I am an American who did not vote for trump, I voted for Kamala Harris much like I voted for Hillary Clinton.Two people who would have upheld the honor and dignity of the United States of America with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. But instead we got trump 45 and now trump 47. Both trump administrations have been an embarrassment but what just happened yesterday at the White House exceeds embarrassment.
It is one thing to disagree about policy but it is quite another thing to undercut our allies to favor our enemies. That is what just took place with trump and his minions disgracing themselves trying to bully a man who has given up everything to fight for the life of his country and their hope for democracy. Democracy, that which we Americans fought for over the last 249 years. So the premeditated ambush from the trump cabal was almost stunning in its strategy. We all know that trump favored putin but we didn't know to what extent until yesterday. The full stop advocacy of trump for putin is now on record and the dishonor trump showed to our vulnerable ally was one of the worst displays of treachery ever seen from a leader of the United States.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the 32nd president of the United States, famously said about the day Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, "...a date which will live in infamy..." much like what trump did yesterday February 28th. A treachery that ambushed our ally in the name of our enemy. The thrust of trump's attack on President Zelenskyy was to bully our ally into accepting the terms of our and his invading enemy. The world is upside down currently in America and it is as disturbing as it is real. We have a leader now who would give the world to his buddy putin and let the rest of us suffer the consequences of his act. I don't know how this is all going to play out but it cannot be that our America is about to become putin's.