Thursday, March 6, 2025

(#5877) Don't be caught not knowing democracy is being dismantled

      Unfortunately, whether by hook or crook, the trump administration is clearing the way for democracy to be dismantled. It isn't a stark conclusion yet because the judges have not been defied by him and his acolytes. But that is the last hurdle for trump to jump over for his dream of being like putin comes about. There is one more subset branch of government that may also grind trump to a halt and that is the legislative republican controlled Senate. The republican controlled House seems to be in the tank for trump but the Senate has yet to confirm they are in the tank for trump also. We shall see soon enough but for sure the rule of law in the judicial branch is showing it isn't in the tank for trump.
     All other signs are pointing directly at trump and putin siding on the side of tyranny. With trump distancing himself from Ukraine and even starting to undo policies that helped protect Ukraine from putin, the change from democracy to tyranny is underway. We who were not allowed to have our candidate elected, fairly or unfairly, have been sounding the alarm for nearly a decade but it seems that too many did not believe us. Well that time is now here to see for anyone who would be objective. The next question then becomes what do we do next? How do we survive in this chaos that is disrupting our freedoms and rights? The first thing that must happen is for us to become clear with our awareness of the problem.
     Our nation together must realize the danger that is now in effect all around us. We may differ on a wide range of policies but not to the point of burning down our house and letting a cruel enterprise rebuild it. We are still the greatest democracy on the planet and can reverse this current dilemma. However we are short on time and need a charge as of yet unseen in modern times on the soil of America. We Americans are not filthy nor cowards. We are stronger together in unity than anything or anyone. Yet we need that unity to begin now as the dismantling of democracy is moving at a fast pace. We who are not willing to let democracy disappear on our watch must find it within ourselves to force an action greater than the force currently bending us toward its brutish will.

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