Sunday, March 9, 2025

(#5880) Ignoring reality is not an option that works

      36.3% of eligible American voters didn't vote in the 2024 general election. This post is for you. I am wondering why you didn't bother to vote when it is easier to vote here in America than pretty much anywhere else in the world? Is your disconnect from politics so far that you couldn't even understand what is at stake? Every right to be free and have the liberty over our own happiness is controlled by politics. It cannot be stated enough that we Americans in our society rely on a social contract that gives us the right to individually choose our own destiny through our vote. Each of us have a duty to participate in our politics because if we don't we get what we have now, a mesmerizing conman who is focused on installing himself as a king.
     There are few responsibilities attached with voting. We must register and then actually vote to make our voices heard. Now when I say that 36.3% of eligible voters didn't vote I am talking about eligible voters not registered voters. That number is smaller than the 90 million who were eligible but didn't bother to register. What ever category you choose to look at the 90 million is just too many who were eligible but chose not to participate. My question is why did anyone not want a say in their own liberty? I could speculate here and give several reasons but I don't think that is helpful nor accurate enough. What I do want to leave anyone reading this post with is this, what is more important than your freedom and why aren't you protecting it?
     Democracy and capitalism are two very different things. I can tell you that most all of us participate in capitalism in some way or another. What capitalism does is give us the opportunity to earn resources that we can barter for improving our living conditions. What democracy does is allow capitalism to operate on an improving scale so that all may participate on some kind of even footing. Without democracy to reign in the underbelly of corrupt capitalism we will find that the worst of moneymakers will control the best of who we are. This is why democracy oversees capitalism and keeps it more and more honest. Democracy is the politics we have that allows all of us to pursue our happiness as a right. What we have now is a lessening of democracy because not enough of we the people are voting to protect it.

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