Sunday, July 28, 2019

Fact check dates and reporting sites on Facebook claims. (#3831)

     Too often claims are made on Facebook that show democrats being as lousy at being human as republicans. But upon further investigation most all the claims are false or misleading. This is how republicans are going to attack our blue wave. They are going to lie, cheat, and steal to keep their power over us because they know they cannot do that legitimately. So make sure that when you see a post making democrats look like what scurvy republicans are in just about every instance you will find that it isn't. Just some deception to cast doubt into the anger we democrats are experiencing with republicans. If they can change the narrative away from their despicable acts and behaviors then they may put a dent in the coming onslaught of 2020.
     So check not only dates from which an article is written but also by whom. Many a time I see an article attacking the House of Representatives as if it was just happening but upon looking at the date of the article find out that it was published back when republicans controlled the House. Little things like that and then there are the websites that are trying to look official but are just trollers trying again to blame democrats for something republicans are doing. If a republican can get you to think that both parties do the same things then they are successful in diverting away from the actual fact that both parties do very little the same.
     The only strategy republicans have to try to swing the election of 2020 their way is to take the wind out of our Tsunami blue wave. Well I am well versed enough into their strategy and will never be caught in their web of deceitful doubt. Sorry, double metaphor, :). No matter what republicans try to get us to believe they are not worthy of our ears to listen nor our eyes to see. They have cruelly and brutally attempted to demean and tear out our democratic foundation so they get nothing from me nor from any other democrat or intelligent independent. Just always keep your eye on the ball of voting for every democrat and never voting for a republican. Then things will turn out correctly and republicans will be kicked to the curb with the rest of the rubbish!

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