Wednesday, July 17, 2019

On the congressional record (#3820)

     It isn't like the republican members of the House were screaming their disapproval, instead they called it foolishness. Well, telling non white members of Congress to go home and solve their "own" country's problems and then come back when they do is akin to telling these non white congresswomen to go away. That is not a presidential thing to say or think so that is why the resolution of condemnation was required and not foolish at all. In all there was a recently turned independent from republican, vote for the resolution and 4 other republicans joined every democrat who voted for the resolution.
     So although it wasn't a huge bipartisan vote for the resolution it wasn't completely partisan. In times like this when even one republican vote is a major betrayal to the republican party whip line it says much that 5 other than democrats voted with all voting democrats on the racist condemnation of the appointed president. Thus trump now has set himself up to be impeached just like Andrew Johnson was back in the late 1860's. Remember, back then republicans were the liberals and democrats were the conservatives, With Johnson's opposition to the 14th amendment his actions nearly got him convicted in the Senate after he was impeached in the House,
     Now it is trump who has joined his fellow conservative brethren johnson in being condemned as a racist. This is well documented and like the 17th president johnson, trump is stained as well as racist and primed for more. The truth of the matter is that both johnson and trump have let it be known that the conservative movement which is now the republican party, is and always will be against civil and moral rights for anyone not white and like them. It isn't a question of ambiguity or supposition it is fact. Look at the legislative history of the conservative movement and you will see outside of their tokenism when it benefits them, they are still like the old slave owners fighting to keep their human property!

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