Friday, July 12, 2019

Nothing will get done until republicans are voted out of the majority (#3815)

     You get this don't you? I mean nothing of any value will get done for we the working middle poor class. I hate describing us this way but it is what it is. Until republicans are gone we will never begin to raise the bar on opportunity and progress. Like I have been saying before I even knew what Facebook was, only vote for democrats and never for any republican. Our nation has become unintelligent and rogue when it comes to understand and respecting the rule of law. The republicans taught us that education is a detriment to thievery and respect anathema to winning at any cost.
     Our nation, America, will never recover to become the shining city on a hill until that dreaded republican foothold on our necks is lifted. The republican party has gerrymandered themselves into a strong position to keep their majorities but what they cannot control is an overwhelming democratic Tsunami of votes that will defeat their gerrymandering and once and for all allow us the majority working middle poor class to change the gerrymandered districts to fair and equitable lines. Until then we are stuck with their condescension and hatefulness.
     It should be obvious to all who look upon the American political landscape that the republican party is not interested in representing all of us they are only invested in protecting their wealthy and their majorities. What kind of democracy is that? None that is definable as democracy, none! But it is definable as an Oligarchy where a smaller group of people rule like with Russia, and the majorities are kept at a distance from reclaiming power. Well we the American electorate still have a chance to end this traitorous charade by trumps and the republican party but it will take a mighty effort by all of us to accomplish it. Come November 3rd. the mantra is to vote for all democrats everywhere on the ballot, no matter who!

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