Saturday, July 6, 2019

trump keeps pushing the envelope (#3809)

     Like a balloon that finally reaches it maximum stretching point so it goes with we the American people. We will pop with a loud bang and the balloon will be no more. This is what trump is heading for as he keeps blowing infinite bombast into our finite acceptability. The time will come when we the people will say no more. Whether it is on a known timetable or not the time will come because with trump he sees every inch he attains as a challenge to go a mile. He is non stop on his personal agenda to remake our society into his image.
     What trump is learning is that he has little obstruction for his agenda so he is going all in on it. But what trump doesn't understand is that what he sees as us cowering to him is really us just getting our fill of his wrongfulness before we come down on him in ways he has not considered. We Americans are truly the sleeping giant and when provoked from our slumber become a force that no one wants to be the focus of. I know there are those who will defend trump upon their dying breath but there are fewer and fewer of those as trump shows his true self.
     Which is going to make trump's judgment that much more harsh and deserved. His last days will not be as some all controlling dictator he sees himself as becoming. Instead his days will be lived in obscurity and shame although he will never know what shame and remorse are since his psychotic behavior is unable to translate the concept. So in the future trump will be a man more in tune with living in a padded room than a gold palace. When the history of this time of trump is written I hope that it is as truthful as possible since we cannot allow the same event of trump to ever happen again.

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