Wednesday, July 3, 2019

The trump parade (#3806)

     It seems that trump has found a way to make our fourth of July celebration a little bit less than enjoyable. Because it seems that every celebration that isn't trump is a slight to him. So instead of honoring our independence with tributes to peace and understanding he is instead focusing on himself and the destructive power our nation can employ. The little draft dodger playing at being a strongman. The only thing strong about trump is the stench of his whole existence including his offspring.
     I do not say this lightly either since I am a true humanitarian but when humans defy their nature to care and wonder I often find myself dismissing them from any real sense of being. Of course it is harder to do when the cad is the actual appointed leader of our nation but nonetheless the effort to ignore and otherwise avoid him is continual. What he has done to the fabric of our nation is beyond condemnable. His outlandish self importance is crude and laughable while also being insufferably boorish. The time we have to endure his mold encrusted hollow nature is coming to an end soon and for that I am overwhelmed with glee!
     As to the actual parade trump has devised for himself and his closest colluders, it will be an abomination to any enlightened human being. I know I won't be tuned in to watching a second of it and many of my like minded friends won't either. The world may watch like many do at a train wreck but that is only because the world finds some amusing satisfaction that America is now such a foolish nation with trump as our bumbling appointed leader. Previous intellectualism from our nation is now humbled by the stupidity of trump and his underlings. My great wish today is that somehow we make it to July 5th without all of us losing our heads to the metaphorical guillotine.

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