Friday, July 26, 2019

Shaming, terrifying, and ignoring, the new American way! (#3829)

     I swear to whatever that this trump and his crony republican party are the death of me! I cannot stand by and let them tear up the best part of who we were as a nation. Making children afraid by taking them from their parents or guardians and allowing them to build up a hatred toward our society. Reducing the life span of all Americans who are going to lose health care or keeping it from them when it is available. Causing less than able seniors to go without nutritious meals and then the trumps saying that it is good for them. How in what decent way is that good for them? Cutting back programs that help our citizenry afford lower and higher education as well as trade schools.
     The list goes on with trump and republicans keeping the minimum wage at a ridiculously low number all the while creating many more low wage jobs. The effect of this is to make most all the working middle class into the poor class. How convenient for the wealthy who cannot ever seem to get enough money from our society for themselves instead of spreading the wealth to those who actually help them make profit. Denying access to the ballot for Americans who cannot meet stringent registration requirements while making it hard to meet those stringent registration requirements.
     What is as egregious as the way trumps and republicans are dismantling anything kind and wonderful thing about our nation is the strategy they are installing of making our democracy slip into an oligarchy. We the people are now less than citizens when the privilege and advantage of the wealthy is weighted against us while we cannot afford to even partake in our government as representatives because the cost of doing so has us the many of us at a tremendous disadvantage. I fear that since republicans have been working their strategy to overthrow our democracy for so long that we the people are ripe for losing it. I have been saying this at least twice a day for many decades, never ever vote for a republican. The reason being is that you would be voting to take our democracy away.

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