Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Moon landing (#3823)

     50 years ago today Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed their module on the surface of the Moon. It wasn't until the next day, July 21st that both Neil and Buzz stepped out onto the Moon's surface. I remember this well as I watched it on television like 10's of millions of other Americans. I was only just about 14 but being so self aware as I was back then I can still see the few of us sitting around the black and white television taking it all in and feeling like our lives were just beginning. I had already suffered through both Kennedy's and Dr. King being assassinated so this historic event got us back to being the most hopeful generation again.
     But like all things that conservatives put their hands on the space program was left to die having only accomplishing a few more trips with no clear vision for what to do with our arrival on the Moon. Conservatism in whatever form it takes is always a punishing anchor to progress and modernity. If everyone with working brain cells would just understand this then we would never again be burdened with their fallaciousness. It is liberal and progressive ideology that has spurred us into great achievements and greater imaginings.
     The Moon landing will always be the one great achievement that {conservatives, ie... (republicans)} will never be able to factually deny nor sabotage much like everything else we humans try to achieve, not only in creating a greater society but in expanding our species out beyond the bounds of our known origins. We liberal progressives have a love for our species and at the core of that a love for life and it's mysteries. We are not content to sit back and let just a few have it all while the rest of us are scrounging to survive. No, we liberal progressives are adamant in our manifest destiny to achieve even greater plateaus with not only our current corruptible society but with our exploration out beyond the bounds of our current existence.

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