Sunday, July 14, 2019

trump torturing asylum seekers (#3817)

     This is his plan to keep people fleeing persecution and death. trump wants to hurt people so that they don't run toward us when we were the main destabilizing force chasing these asylum seekers. After decades of sowing seeds of strong arm tactics in Central America our payment is coming in the form of upheaval and chaos. So when these citizens of Central America flee the carnage of our sowing they find that America now, under trump, does not care about their plight. So let me be clear, We Americans caused much of the fleeing but don't want those fleeing for their lives coming to us.
     Under normal circumstances our nation would be caring about past mistakes in American administrations that caused turmoil but not trump. He is the exception to the make things correct rule, and instead when you are responsible for correcting a mistake you just act like there was no mistake and hurt people instead of helping them. This is the American legacy under trump. We hurt you before but we won't admit it and we are going to hurt you again if you seek shelter from our past harms. I am not okay or indifferent about this I am angered to nth degree. trump has caused our nation to become a hard hateful one that cares more about it's profit than anything else. Well that won't be long in maintaining if Karma has it's way.
     Societies that cause harm as a first choice are short in history and the same will be for America if this continues. I hear some talk about how trump can be appointed or actually win a second term and it shakes me to my core. How bad of an actor does trump have to be for those who support him realize that they are supporting a petty want to be dictator? How bad does he have to be? Seriously? How bad? Because for anyone to actually think trump will survive the 2020 election a screw or two must be loose in their heads. If this is what America is now then I am ashamed beyond all civilized paradigms. When the worst of who we are is the most preferred then we will deserve any and all cost that comes back on us for it.

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