Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The republican ego is a nasty brutish one (#3833)

     It is one thing to have an ego about oneself and then follow that ego until one learns the hard lessons in life. It is quite another to have an ego and then intentionally harm others with it. Yet that is the behavior of republicans. They have assumed that we who are not them are lesser and therefore deserving of their condescension and punishment for not being like them. They have no altruistic motive nor any compassionate empathy. All they have is their demented allegiance to being masters over those who will not be as cruel as they. They see kindness as a weakness, love as a sickness, and heroism as laughable foolishness.
     The republican ego is a massive amount of assumption based upon that which fits their narrative today. It is a murky ego capable of being a chameleon at any given moment. It's fluidity is astonishing in that the concept of logic nor common sense exist within it's finite space. Yet they can easily defend the illogical and nonsensical because after all it is their choice to choose. We are not all the human species to them. The many of us are a lesser subset of their delusional majestic elevation. So therefore our voices and cries are of little consequence to them. They are only respectful of brutality and hatred since it fulfills their lack of healthy emotion.
     The republican ego and by it's extension the republican agenda are of such a state that the hiding of it is no longer possible. With voter suppression and media control the republican party can now be themselves despite what the majority thinks because the republican party still controls who can vote and when they can vote. There are enough of these republican egos entrenched within our democracy that the silencing of our democracy is not that difficult. They have but one agenda overall and that is complete control of our nation regardless of what it does to free will and democratic values. Our nation is at that point and if I live another year and a some months I will know what our response to the republican ego will be.

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