Wednesday, July 24, 2019

My America (#3827)

     The inspiring Statue of Liberty Lady in the Upper New York Bay is the genesis of how I see our nation. Holding a light up in the darkness for those who are looking for a safe harbor. The welcoming message she sends out is what hope and dreams are made of. This is why America is the greatest nation on the planet, because those who are persecuted and driven from their places of birth can find refuge and an opportunity to flourish. This is how I have always seen our nation. Yet in reality with republicans in control we are not that country any more.
     Instead we are the nation that drives away those who are persecuted and sends them back to their graves. It is unconscionable that we are now the nation that despises those who we were just a generation ago. The whole of our country are immigrants except the American Indians who were displaced when all the rest of our ancestors immigrated here. How ironic that now republicans want us to think that we are the ones who must defend against immigration. Safety and security are concerns but not at the expense of helping to murder those who are just trying to save their own lives. How we treat these displaced souls is on us and with the despicable camps that have been set up by republicans it is a shame and disgrace that will never be rectified as long as republicans are in political office.
     My America is still the greatest nation in existence but only if we can purge our government of the republican party and all of it's hatred and cruelty to those who are not them. The very nature of voter suppression and foreign influence to maintain their public offices should be enough to rally the heart of our nation against them and rectify the mental and physical torture we are committing against those who aspire to live in the greatest nation on the planet. The republican party takes their dreams and smashes them right for all the world to see. How embarrassing for us who fought hard to keep the republicans out of office and how much more embarrassing it must be for those 46.9% of our eligible voters who didn't even bother to vote in the last presidential election.

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