Monday, July 29, 2019

Where will trump go? (#3832)

     Once the appointed president trump is defeated on November 3rd. 2020 and he turns over his claim to the White House on January 20th to the new Democratic president, where will he go? My guess is some place where the United States of America doesn't have an extradition treaty. Because it seems to me that there will many opportunities to drag him into court and hang some meaningful charges around his neck once he is out of public office. Which does bring up another point, will trump actually leave the White House? I can see a scenario where he is so tone deaf to the coming results that his monstrous sized ego won't let him believe that he lost.
     Which would set up an action by our security forces to actually have to remove him and then the idea that trump has anywhere else to go but to jail or a mental institution becomes obvious. Yet I don't think trump will allow himself to be arrested so he will acquiesce and leave the White House although surely begrudgingly. Back to the question though, where will trump go? I would prefer that he be held here in America to face his many allegations of criminality but if he does slink off somewhere outside our borders I wouldn't be too upset if he was never to be seen from again on our shores. If he does leave the possibility of having a bench warrant out for his arrest comes into play and then he would have to hide much more from the view of anyone seeking to bring him to justice.
     This will be one of the most intriguing questions to come about in the history of our presidential successions. Where will trump go that won't have a claim on him either judicially or economically. He runs in fast company and with shady characters so trumps disposition is truly up in the air. I feel no compassion for him as he chose his path knowing full well that every benefit in life has a cost. He will be presented with his bill and this time unlike all the other times in his life he won't be able to stiff the bill. He may run, but like all things that we run from, the world is finite and there aren't really any hiding places left.

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