Wednesday, July 10, 2019

The misunderstanding of understanding (#3813)

     We can see with trumps just how much understanding is loathed and vilified. The common sense and logic of things is under attack by the chaos of anti intellectualism. It is easier to tear something down than it is to build it up so that is how the trumps perceive their duty. The more ignorant among us applaud this approach since it relieves them of any duty to be intelligent. All that thinking and analyzing has never been their protocol. Instead they sit back and then attack that which they call fake. It is an easy gig for them and to root them from this paradigm is not going to happen without some life intervening event.
     So what do we do with these folks who are steadfastly proud to be less than intelligent? For the most part we move on from them and try to reach those who still have an inkling of understanding about how logic works and the application of common sense to solve problems. I don't normally cast aside human life but there comes a point where no one is worth redeeming when they will not try to be understanding in a civilized world. I cannot waste a precious second on anyone who refuses to engage under the guidelines of truth and fact to decide conclusions.
     Our population here in America is still largely attuned to logic and common sense as our guidelines. Our society demands that we are able to communicate our thoughts and desires in a way that is understood by the speaker and the hearer. When this simple logical event cannot be instituted because one side of a conversation refuses to accept the premise of fact and truth then the whole of what we are as a society comes into question. Just because one side of a conversation doesn't like the logic of the truth and/or fact does not make the truth or fact any less real. So those who refuse to understand because they refuse to accept a conclusion have no place in my life nor should they.

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