Saturday, November 2, 2019

367 days left until the next election day! (#3928)

     Because it is leap year next year it will be another torturous day added to the era of trump if somehow he escapes the senate impeachment verdict. The house will vote to impeach but the senate must vote by a two thirds majority to convict. If so then trump is out and pence becomes the new target for impeachment. However that turns out the coming election is a sure fire way of ending all that is trump and his despicable sideshow. The enablers of trump should be tossed out as well and with any good fortune we democrats ought to control government in every office at the federal level. Not only that but the many statehouses should go blue as well.
     At that time we can then look into impeaching one or two supreme court justices for their criminal actions in the past. That is for then but for now we have to endure the trump debacle as well as possible while putting the heat on him and the bright lights to his ulterior motives. There are plenty of bad acts by him to choose from but we must highlight the most egregious to our normalcy and constitution. We must never relent in our head on attack to his every move that is designed to weaken our resolve and inflict punishment on us for not bowing down to him.
     367 days is just one day more and then a full leap year he has to his appointed position. The last three years have been a miserable ache and pain in every sense for me and surely for the nearly 66 million who voted against him. The less than 63 million who voted for him surely as well has dwindled to far less than that if a vote were held today. His days are numbered and I am counting them down like a boss! What he gets after he is roundly defeated next year won't be enough to equal the harm he has done to our nation and our world. But the day is coming and what he does get will be given to him with a not a whit of care to his financial or physical discomfort!

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