Sunday, November 10, 2019

Time to finish off the decaying republican party (#3936)

     The time is now to end the corrupting soul of the republican party. I say that as a rule not an exception. The chances given this ugly party have been numerous and each time given to them they actually become worse. So no more chances! The impeachment hearings will show that not only did trump lead his administration in disobeying his oath to our constitution but he instructed his lackeys to follow his lead. They, his administration now are of lowlife quality and were willing to break laws to keep in favor with their lord and master trump. There are very few republicans left who are actually trying to defend our constitution while still calling themselves republicans.
     So instead of working to clean up the republican party it would be much more efficient to end the republican party and refuse to acknowledge it's death cries. If anything our democratic party has taken on the mantle of what little good had been republican a couple of generations ago and now the republican party only stands for divisiveness and greed. The republican party quit being an alternative party and just became an obstructive one. They don't stand for anything that helps the working middle poor class and actually are working to deny the working middle poor class democratic values.
     When we need another political party in the future to help contest our elections then we can form new alliances that do not stray into the stinking field of hate, racism and misogyny. A new political party might correctly come from the democratic left to push for greater control in the areas of the military industrial complex and health care for all. Revitalizing our unions and creating a fairer economic system might also be attractive to a left of democratic party. Regardless though of that future possibility, we democrats now want to start fixing what is today ailing our social, economic, political and environmental paradigms. But to do that with great success the republican party must be ended.

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