Friday, November 22, 2019

The give and take of change (#3947)

     Change is inevitable and not so easy at times but at other times it is easy and only requires the will to accept. I know for myself that I am settled into a routine at times and changing that routine is not welcome despite its necessity. So I do what I should and accept that nothing is deserved nor owed. A resignation to the endless churning of the wheels of progress. What unwanted change has taught me is profound. When I have changed from the safe harbor I built I find that my new view is even better. My life is like that most of the time because just when I think I know what it is about a new wrinkle appears to throw me off from my understanding perch.
     Which given the lunacy my life has been about for too much of it is probably and most likely a good thing. :) Yet still change can be unnerving and chaotic. However life is like that especially in a reality where 7 billion or so of us inhabit an ever decreasing land mass. So going with change has been my modus operandi because not going with change leaves me with worse options going forward. I am a pragmatist and can see the future through my own eyes so denying myself rational evidence is to me not to be borne! If the modernity and enlightened view does not prevail in our nation then the rest of the world will fall to lower levels of existence.
     So change I will and doing the hard of changing with a glad heart. I am no wise man nor some mystic who knows what anyone else should do but I do know myself and for me to cling to the past and or a bad situation is not going to happen. In my older age I am well aware that moving forward is the only option to choose and although it is a pain in the ass, at all times it is necessary to uphold the logic and honor of our democracy with the best nature of our species. The end result of changing is a fresh perspective from which to build a better vision for others to come along and accept and to build up as well.

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