Monday, November 18, 2019

This is the political ending of trump! (#3942)

     I have sat here at my desk day after day since November 8, 2016 in a hope that I would see the end of trump in our lives. Well this is the beginning of that hope. This last week we have witnessed the first hand evidence being told by those who were there and negatively affected. The damage the trump administration has done to our government is overwhelming and will be the end of trump as our appointed president. It doesn't matter if the republican controlled senate does nothing to end his time in office. We the voters have seen enough of him to last us a lifetime and will see him no more come November 3rd. 2020.
     What else is clear is that his influence is shattered now not only here at home but abroad. Even his new buddies, the dictators of the world, laugh at him when they feel like it. He is like an island that is shrinking from the climate change of rising seas and his followers are the most desperate incoherent types left in our society. So the end of trump is now in full swing toward the final days left for him to hold sway over our society. I don't expect him to end his full term in the White House because he is running out of leverage and him resigning under some agreement with democrats is about all he has left. What the courts do after his departure is up to them but needless to say they will do something.
     My bones have ached for this time to begin and now that it has my bones are feeling relief and even a little premature joy. Because trump has been the worst thing to happen in our nation since I have been alive and that is some pretty heavy company he has with nixon and shrub. But trump is an egomaniac who cannot tell the truth even when it benefits him it seems. That our nation survived him and his lust to become a king is in no small part due to the resistance of folks like you and me and the abject failure of trump to logically organize his "coup". The republican party has helped trump to take our nation hostage and they too will be held to account when the time comes for them!

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