Tuesday, November 12, 2019

One less day in trumpland (#3938)

     I find that I am counting the days down every day because to me it is one less day under trump left in my life. When we got below 500 days I was beginning to get a good feeling that trump would not be re-appointed. When we got under 365 days I was feeling a bit giddy that if we survived the last year of his tyrannical reign we would be able to finally establish a democracy that represents most all of us and not just some of us. There will always be those who want no representation from democrats despite the good democrats do for them.
     They are the ones who will never be satisfied with our melting pot society. They are the ones whose hatred of those who are not them will never be put asunder. Those are the ones who find that taking from anyone for themselves is always right. Those are the ones who live in the fantasies of their minds instead of the reality of the nobleness of their souls. We democrats will never be able to represent them but nonetheless we try. For the rest of our society we look to make their lives better without harming them or anyone else. It is difficult sometimes but in the hard we find our greatest leaders who can overcome what others say is impossible.
     I so look forward to that day in the not too distant future when the trumps of the world are relegated to the sidelines of progress so the rest of us can move modernity forward. When the headlines scream of bettering achievements instead of nefarious ulterior motives. When the wealthy are not the gods of our society but just the fortunate who have a duty to the society that created their wealth. When the hard working are valued by the same rules that the innovative are. When the equality of all human beings is respected as a rule and not as an exception. One less day of trump makes for one more day of democracy that works in the greatest society ever to have been founded by our species.

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