Friday, November 8, 2019

The unlawful defiance of the trump administration (#3934)

     Every day it seems that another trump official has defied a lawful subpoena from the House of Representatives like it has no effect on them. So far that has been the case which for now lets them skip out on a lawful summon. However I know that there are punishments for not answering a subpoena and hopefully the House will direct those punishments quickly at the offenders. Because by not holding the defiant ones to account it encourages all of them to defy the subpoenas. The House must step up and not only act quickly on punishing those who will not come to the proceedings and testify but we democrats must respond in the most heavy handed way possible.
     The blatancy of the trump dis administration is palpable and if left unchecked will harm our democratic processes in myriad untold ways. This has been on we democrats to make the subpoenaed witnesses appear and we are doing a lousy job of it. But the time to act is still now so I expect that any courtesy we may have considered for them must now be dismissed and they have to be looked upon as hostile witnesses who somehow have entwined themselves into the trump web of deceit. One can only conclude that an innocent person would have nothing to hide whereas a guilty party has everything to hide including ignoring a summons from a subpoena.
     Every shade and angle of this current appointed president's behavior has a stench about it that defies the good with the arrogant. Well our democracy is better than ignoring good in the face of arrogance. We are Americans who throughout history have stood up to tyranny and the bullies of the world. Well we will stand up to the childlike bully we have in the White House because no one gets a pass when it comes to protecting our democracy, not even the appointed leader of our democracy. We can clean the clocks of the outside world that would harm us so we must also clean the clock of the inside infiltrator who is beholden to russia.

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