Monday, November 4, 2019

Finally, less than a year until the election! (#3930)

     Okay, so it is only one day short of a year but for me it is a milestone. We are in the beginning of the end of trumps. No matter all the throes of despair coming from his supporters about civil war and hatred at the top of their lungs, all caps, the trumps are done. The polls are another thing to be wary of because we saw what happened last time and nothing about this years race lets me believe the polls have corrected their mistakes. What I do believe in is the anger that we Americans have for the russian loving republicans and their treachery to steal our democracy.
     There is no getting past the truth of how trump used russia to influence our elections last time. So anyone who would willingly support the republicans this time has deceit in their hearts. But this time they won't get a pass from me or any other democrat who has survived the trump coup. No amount of "let's be civil" will matter to us and the fact that republicans want us to accept them for just being an opposing political force is null and void. They are traitors and nothing short of harsh punishment is their deserves. This coming election will be about we democrats and independents who are either liberal, progressive, or both. there is no policy any republican conservative has offered that even comes close to a positive for the working middle poor class.
     Not only are republicans traitorous but they are trying to destroy our planet solely out of greed and ignorance. In their minds we the green revolution are just an attack on their wealth. They cannot see the dwindling forests for the few trees, literally! So despite all the noise that is coming and will come from the republican/russian party the truth of things have been told and although we get to see and hear more about the crimes of trump through the impeachment process we must not sit back at all for the next less than a year. I will sit back on election day when all the voting booths have closed. Until then it is all I have aimed at keeping our liberal/progressive message in policies at the forefront of our ever diverse societies minds.

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