Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Still high blue tide (#3932)

     Well the doubters are having to eat crow this morning and I say enjoy your well deserved meal. Anyone with a lick of sense would have seen this coming. There is always the initial getting away with things because of shock and other lame excuses but when republicans tried to tell us that shit don't smell we seem to have had enough of it. There are still pockets of ignorance out there with the Mississippi vote but they are the exception now not the rule. The blue wave coming is not stoppable, despite the vision republicans are getting with their heads up their asses.
     I am not overly confident here as I do remember the letdown and devastation of the expected victory and not getting it in 2016. Yet the surge from the ground afterwards has given me hope that the 2016 debacle was a one off. Our blue wave is here to stay and as long as we don't get cocksure about ourselves and our at times over zealous vision we will keep it riding high. There are many problems to fix and we can't do them all in the snap of the fingers. Time will have to play out but if we keep moving forward with a creatively designed and efficiently manufactured solution that works then our society will improve and benefit all who wish to participate.
     We democrats are good at enlightened thinking and progressing forward with our ideas of solving problems without the shackles of antiquity slowing us down. We need to be mindful of that and not the noise from the republican party who are only good at finding weaknesses and exploiting them to keep the powers that be in the luxury they are accustomed. Well we democrats are here now and our main objective is to protect our democracy from the republican/russian party and bring equality of opportunity to every paradigm of our society. Our blue wave is riding high because we democrats find that love is greater than hate and respect is greater than condescension.

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