Friday, November 15, 2019

Will trump resign? (#3940)

     That trump complained that the impeachment hearings are tough on his family tells me that he is using his family as cover and that what he is really saying is that the impeachment hearings are tough on him. Because we all know that trump has little feelings for his family beyond their usefulness. Well today will be as tough on him as Wednesday was so we will see how the toll of all of this weighs his decision making. To me it has been fun for trump to be a bully with impunity and when the fun starts to wane then trump sinks into sulking, especially when he is caught out for lying and thuggery.
     Nothing would surprise me concerning the fate of trump at this moment and if anything him working behind the scenes to leave the presidency with some kind of immunity from further prosecution almost seems more than improbable. Yet I know how trump likes his persona to be adulated so him giving up is not attuned to that. Yet his fate is less certain now and he must be weighing all options. His bluster will not prevail any longer nor his threats regardless of how subtly backhanded they are. He is increasingly finding himself in a shrinking vice and the pressure he must be feeling will likely cause him to squirm.
     To what degree the squirming will affect his unstable rationale is yet to be determined but it has to be a big factor in any further option he chooses for his escape. He may try to weather the storm of impeachment much like kavanaugh did at the sham senate republican confirmation hearing but that would not fit his persona either. The radicalness of his character makes it very difficult to assess his next moves but let it be known that they won't be moves he wanted to make. We the American people through the democratic controlled House are making him face his ill deeds and it is not making him any more predictable yet he is in trouble and that is how we want him!

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