Monday, November 25, 2019

Unfinished house (#3950)

     The more I look at this house the more ideas I get for how I want it to become. I am of limited funds so I won't be getting anything done quickly but that gives me the time to study and figure how I want things. I have some options in what I am doing and it is kind of fun tinkering with how I may proceed. It is like each morning I stare at a particular area of the house and start to visualize an outcome and then modify that vision as I go. Sometimes even discarding the vision and giving myself some time to realize another vision. There is no rush on my part because for one thing I am secure in what is now as well as no one is pressuring me to change things.
     I tell people that this is where I plan on dying when that happens so the constant changing of this house to make it appealing to me is my purpose. There was so much work that had to be done since I first moved in about 7 years ago. I have accomplished quite a bit and although there is a ton more to do it isn't critical for me to get done. I have made it somewhat cozy here and repaired where absolutely needed so now I am down to a more aesthetic set of desires. Surely I am not done with necessary changes but they will expose themselves given a bit more time. Like the work I got done this last summer to patch on this flat roof where needed but the first rain will let me know how well that went.
     There have been a few bugs in the electrical system but my knowledge in that area has solved those issues if not permanently then at least satisfactorily for now. All plumbing issues are known and have been addressed yet still there are future issues that must be reckoned with like the water heaters and sewer. All in all though the outside appearance and weatherization has been addressed except the backyard siding needs to be upgraded. The inside is where the most work needs to be done if you don't consider the need for a pitched roof on this house. Most of the inside is modern enough but there are areas where I keep trying to imagine something different. This house, like me, is unfinished and together maybe we will finish each other as our time together grows toward our eventual ending.

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