Tuesday, September 29, 2020

35 days left until the election (#4259)

      There are now 5 weeks left until the election. 5 weeks until we are at the polls voting on election day. Every national election day falls on the first Tuesday after the first Monday of November in even numbered years. Like in the infamous year of 2016 when the first Monday of That November fell on the 7th and we voted the next day on the 8th. This year in 2020 the first Monday in November falls on the 2nd which is why we are voting on the 3rd. We have a quirky electoral system and if anything this cycle we have learned that it is also vulnerable to those who have nefarious intentions. Specifically regarding our majority vote rule and the antiquated electoral college.
     When we are through this election and Joe Biden is our President we can then begin to fix not only all the problems associated with the disaster trump and his republican lackeys but of the systematic problems we have within our society not limited to election processes. There are many like systematic racism and poverty that have to have our attentions. Surely though the Citizens United case needs to be reversed or re legislated to make dark money and private financing of elections illegal and punishable as criminal acts. There is also a problem with gerrymandering that needs fair and equitable guidance through law.
     The list of things that need to be done on day one extending out to the first 4 years of the Biden presidency is long and difficult but we democrats are the party for the job. We are if anything relentless in our pursuit of equality, fairness, justice and happiness. We will get a lot of things done if, and the if is that all our voters come out and vote. There cannot be any excuse to the duty we all have to our democracy. If so then the sun on that next November 4th morning will be bright and welcoming as the tally shows that we democrats have prevailed all over the country and put an end to the disgrace that republicans have wrought upon us.

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