Wednesday, September 23, 2020

41 days left until the election (#4253)

      Can you feel it? Not just the daily crap trump does to us but the coming of the day, November 3rd. when we dump trump and all his cohorts in the White House. An added bonus is the retaking of the Senate so that we can build back better from which trump destroyed. Now I know it is still not time yet for calling the winners and losers here but I will suggest that the blue wave tsunami election we democrats are expecting is not disappointing so far given the signs from early voting and mail in ballot requests. Much like the transformational election of Barack Obama in 2008, the voting turnout is going to be equivalent. I know that republicans will be turning out in droves but their droves are not as numerous as our droves.
     You can see by how badly trump screws things up with dishonesty and criminal acts and yet his base does not bat an eye over any of it. So they will be showing up at the voting booths with as much vigor as we will. Yet we democrats have the side of the independents this cycle and also those who didn't vote in 2016 have awakened and are ready to rock the vote for Joe Biden. I feel it deep within me that the best of who we Americans are will come out in force intent upon putting a smack down on the trumps. It will be necessary this election as well since trump/putin are employing every devious trick in the book to keep trump in his appointed position.
     But it won't matter if we show up like I expect we will. The sheer volume of votes by democrats both in person and mail in will leave no doubt as to the veracity of this election. The trumps will still whine and cry foul about non existent harms but we who are the mature ones now will just smile at them and say no good bye. The era of trump is over even now with 41 days left until the beginning of the count is exposed. He should be making plans to steal away to some non jurisdictional boundary that keeps him safe from the charges of criminality that will soon follow after he leaves office. What will be inspiring at that time is that surely he will bungle that as well and be brought back to face the justice he so richly deserves.

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