Saturday, September 12, 2020

52 days left until the election (#4242)

      I have been thinking about what trump might do for an October surprise and I have hopefully hit upon something that would actually help him and us. More us than him and how much it would help him to me would be little. However the way they are thinking in the White House this may well be something they think will really help them. Forcing mcconnell to give the $1200 stimulus again with of course his signature on it. He may well think that we can be bought but at this point I think that we would gladly take the money and call him a sucker while we are doing it. For him to think he could buy our votes seems natural when thinking like him. Since life is all about getting something for nothing in his mind.
     I hope he does it as we the American electorate are hurting financially because of the trump/republican negligence. So hopefully he will fall into that trap of helping us out of some duty he thinks we may owe him. However I don't hold much hope for this because he is, if not one major thing, a stingy asshole with our money. Sure he will give all to wall street to keep that economic indicator running smoothly for the wealthy but as the many of us know wall street rarely helps main street. If he could imagine though how main street helps wall street he would surely consider helping along the lines of the Heroes Act that mcconnell is sitting on in the senate. Just to be clear, if mcconnell put the Heroes act up for a vote, even though we democrats are the minority, it would still pass.
     I can't for the life of me understand how republicans think that making life miserable for the majority of us will help them this close to the election but here we are. The only other alternative for the many of us is to vote all republicans out of office and replace them with democratic politicians who will help us and ease our burdens mainly through no fault of our own. This whole thing is simple when put into perspective. The republican party allowed for the trump virus to spread and bring our economy to a standstill yet will not give us the necessary tools to overcome it both economically and logically. We the American electorate, democrats, republicans, greens, libertarians, and those of us uncommitted to any party need to end the oppressive unprofessional reign of the conservative republican party and vote for every democrat on the ballot.

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