Tuesday, September 15, 2020

49 days left until the election (#4245)

      I am foregoing counting down the blocks of 10 days of which 5 happened yesterday because we are down to just a few weeks and that will suffice. 7 weeks out from election day and we are already into early voting. When this next week comes to an end it will put us well into early voting. We are here and now is the time to do what we should have done 4 years ago and that is elect a democratic to the presidency and fill Congress with a democratic majority. Because with democrats in control the people of the United states will come first, not the wealthy, and now it seems our enemies to democracy both without and within.
     I must admit that as I am a bit happy for the vote to be here in a few states I am as angry as all get out about the damage that trumps continue to do. I have zero tolerance these days for any appeasement of republicans or their policies of hate and division. In the final analysis we get what we deserve and those who fight against intelligence and common sense need to have their worlds blown up. They blow other people's worlds up because of their ignorance, so richly they deserve to have theirs blown up. I don't take pleasure in it but I accept it as the end result of cause and effect. I will not tolerate anyone who still rolls over to the madmen out of some mannered decorum or sense of civility.
     The ship of civility has sailed long ago and the time is now for bare knuckle fighting. I have tried to debate and argue logic, reason, and compassion to them but it was thrown down and spit on. That was the gauntlet thrown and I accept the challenge. I have to clench my fists and will defend our democracy with my blood need be. There is nothing more sacred on Earth than our democracy and there is no way in any kind of imaginary hell I will ever let traitors both American and russian try to steal what our nation has so costly fought to keep. So don''t bring no mamby pamby concessions to my world and expect me to agree. When the fighting is done after we seat our new president then I will calm down and help settle the aftermath of the battle.

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