Wednesday, September 9, 2020

55 days left until the election (#4239)

      Now only 9 days until Minnesota and South Dakota get to early vote. It is happening folks and I know we are all anxious to get our own ballots. We have been enduring this time of trump, whom we confirmed with michael cohen last night on Rachel's show, that trump didn't even care to become president, it was all for marketing his brand with the russian oligarchs and putin. That he was appointed was not in his meager imaginings so that is why we are living under the most cruel and brutish of a conman thug. His per chance appointment has been our blame and deserve for letting it happen.
     I don't blame trump for being appointed but I do blame him for not stepping down immediately. He colluded with putin to make our society unjust and unfair. The time will come for both of them to feel the sharp edge of justice but in the meantime we have work to do so that our society makes the necessary correction. I would vote for a balloon if it were running against trump but instead we are fortunate to have 2 candidates for president and vice president who will do admirably in those 2 positions. Our society will be in good hands once the deceiving manipulative trump is put out to his justly earned deserves.
     In 10 days the states of Michigan, New Jersey, Vermont, Virginia, and Wyoming start their early voting processes. We are here folks and the most important decision we have is not just to vote but how to vote to make sure our votes are counted. Many states have trackers on their mail in ballots so if you do vote early with a mail in ballot, keep track of your ballot until it is in the hands of your local election official. It is amazing just how stark the contrast is between the nonchalance of the 2016 election and the imperative of this one. I feel the strength of our voters ready to do all that we can to make sure we vote and that our vote is counted.

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