Friday, September 25, 2020

39 days left until the election (#4255)

      39 days left. Yay! I am seeing though that many of us are frayed at the edges of our emotions and it takes very little in the way of anything to trigger us to lash out. Which is fine if the lashing out is directed at republicans but not back at ourselves for some perceived slight. I know I have a hair trigger at the moment and it is because of the constant upheaval trump is piling on top of his already huge pile of disgust. But I can still reel myself in before I explode and that is good but not an ideal living of life. Back to 39 days left until the election. We are seeing the momentum of our democratic party begin to take off in all the polls and in the enthusiasm quotient.
     It seems that just trump being trump is plenty enough to supply enough new fuel to our already burning passions to keep our blue wave tsunami rolling along. A great silver lining to trump and his flame throwing mouth is that all those petty republican boot licking Congress people are being drug down by the trump undertow. They gambled with trump and are now getting their return for their gamble. Not a smart move on their part but then again they are democracy killing republicans so no love lost there. They will also be swept away from public office and for that our nation is well appreciative. The new incoming administration with majorities in Congress will be able to effect positive governmental changes that have been long clamored for.
     The end of the republican party as a balance in government is long overdue and it has been my intention to have the Green Party ascend to replace it. Mainly because if there was anything good about the republican party in the past, that has already been incorporated into our Democratic party. So the best counter party is the left Green party. Our world will be much better if going forward we are working to constrain the hard left idealism of the Green party, much of which I agree with but not at the pace they are hoping for. Taking more time to fold in their best ideas is agreeable to blowing up what we have and starting over. But I am not grounded into anything solidly before a real debate about the pros and cons is placed before the American people.

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