Saturday, September 19, 2020

45 days left until the election (RIP Ruth) (#4249)

      Not much to say about how numb I feel right now. With Ruth Bader Ginsburg passing suddenly so close to the election has all of us in a quandary. I know for me her death changes nothing as to how I feel about trump but the politics of it all is a wild card yet to be determined. I know that emotions are high on both sides of the political spectrum and what happens next may well change the dynamics that had pretty much settled in. The voting has started though and those who are serious about who they are voting for and are in a state of prioritizing getting their ballots filled out and counted will carry on.
     If anything this may have an effect on undecided republicans who now are encouraged by the opening on the supreme court and trump's move to replace Ruth. This may well help trump at the polls. Yet the flip side is that we democrats who were already motivated to remove trump are now super motivated to remove him for even considering nominating someone before the inauguration. This may well help Joe Biden. Yet the gut punch of it all is deflating for the many of us who loved Ruth and wished that she could retire once Biden was nominated. How this plays out is still uncertain but make no mistake about this, mcconnell and republicans have the upper hand in replacing our irreplaceable Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
     It will take some creative politicking to stop mcconnell and trump from filling this seat but if there is a way we will find it. Because nothing in this moment is more important that keeping this seat available for Joe to fill. There are more states starting today who will be early voting and for that we have the distraction of making sure trump is at least no longer our president. I cannot tell you nor should I have to how the Ginsburg death has knocked all of us reeling who have a heart and soul for democracy. It is a real hard deep wound that will be with us going forward and for Ruth's family I say I am heartbroken over your loss. The time to heal from this is not available in a vacuum so we have to move forward with our plans to keep the enemy in the form of tyranny from also taking a bite out of our soul.

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