Monday, September 21, 2020

43 days left until the election (#4251)

      Well it looks like we democrats are going to go through one really hard last time with trump. Nost likely he is going to get his supreme court nominee installed before November 10th so that he has a 6-3 majority on the court when the case against Obamacare comes before them. With that 6-3 margin Obamacare will most probably be invalidated and we will be back in the days where insurance companies decided who got covered and for how much. Yet for the time being after November 10th, when the supremes rule on the case, until January 20th is all we will have to endure this latest corruption from republicans.
     Because we democrats will take the Senate, hold the House and be in the White House. Getting the legislative filibuster removed will be one of our first moves and then reestablishing some form of universal health care will immediately follow. Then changing the makeup of the Supreme Court by adding at least 4 to 6 new justices and also increasing the federal districts with more judges. That will solve what the republican party is planning on doing November 10th. but there is more. We need to bring at least the District of Colombia and Puerto Rico, if they choose, into statehood. Which we will be able to do without any obstruction from republicans.
     So this current time, 43 days left until the election and the 78 days after that, before we inaugurate Joe Biden as our new President we will have to endure. But the future of our American democracy will be our vision and that light at the end of the tunnel will be upon us in short order. The gut punched feeling we are experiencing now should be the catalyst we all need to make sure all who will are registered and then vote like there is nothing more important in life. In the final analysis the republican party is getting it's wish to eliminate Obamacare but what their minority will never understand is that we majority democrats will build it back better than it was before despite the vindictiveness and hatred republicans so deeply obey.

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