Saturday, September 26, 2020

38 days left until the election (#4256)

      The momentum from the last 3 plus years to oust trump is still riding high. We have our nominee and although he is not a perfect fit for many he is perfect for bringing down trump. He was also not the candidate we thought he would be when our nominating process started. He has shifted left to counteract the horribleness of trump and the need to repair our society. Yes, not just our economy but our whole society in every facet of it. This will be a transformational election and when Joe Biden wins we will be able to once again breathe without fear. The Covid-19 will still be with us but the remedy will be a comprehensive one instead of the piecemeal one we are going through with trump.
     In 38 days the counting will begin and if we democrats are wise we will vote in person as much as possible everywhere. I know the ease of mail in ballots but the dire nature of having our votes counted on election day is crucial to what happens the next day on November 4th. I have been voting by mail in ballot for 2 decades but this year I am going to locate my early person polling station and go there instead. Even though I am in California where Joe is going to win regardless of what I do the need to have the largest percentage of voters casting ballots for election day counting is an imperative. If we who can will vote in person everywhere the likelihood of trump claiming foul is diminished.
     It looks as though trump will get his pick put on the high court in time to adjudicate any supreme court challenge he may bring. Which leaves us with the option to vote in person by such overwhelming numbers that the high court cannot rationally find for any of trumps whines and whimpers. If the high court does find for trump in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, then the revolution that is required when our government refuses to accept the will of the people will need to be organized. The beauty of our democratic republic is that we are malleable to protecting our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Our blue wave tsunami must arrive on election day as much as humanly possible.

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