Friday, September 18, 2020

Minnesota and South Dakota days left until the election (46) (#4248)

      Okay, today is the day that 2 more states begin their early voting. Meanwhile trump has yet to mount a charge from behind mainly because he has been an awful president and wouldn't know how to be respected and admired. As each state begins their early voting and with the electorate on edge about getting their votes in early as possible the less time trump has for convincing voters he needs to stay in his appointed office. 5 more state begin early voting tomorrow with one of them the critical state of Michigan. I have been surprised over these last 8 months at how bad trump is at running a reelection campaign. It is as if he doesn't care whether he wins or not.
      However I know he cares but he doesn't know how to not look like he cares. He keeps coming out with things that only hurt his campaign, much like shooting himself in the foot. Each day gets us closer to the counting and he is still trying to figure out how to run against Biden/Harris. For that I am grateful and will keep my fingers crossed that he never figures it out. Just so you know this disdain for trump is not just about politics, it is also about what a horrible human being he is. If he was a democrat and did the things he has done I would be fighting like hell to get rid of him just as much. No, this is personal with me as I cannot abide a traitor who spends his time figuring out ways to steal our election while harming our citizenry.
      46 days is now about a month and a half from the count and I cannot tell you how fortunate I am to actually still be alive in trump's hijacked America. I thought for sure the many of us who have railed against him since day 1 would all have had our polonium tea by now. Comrade trump is no less capable in theory but luckily not in practice. I wish I could say I am joking but the many of you know I am not. The door is being shut on trump and percentage wise the likelihood of Biden winning the presidency is nearly assured. I will hold off for a few more weeks before I officially pronounce Biden the winner. I can do this because of my constant attention to the reality around us and the enthusiasm of those who like me want the end of the trump era.

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