Sunday, September 27, 2020

37 days left until the election (#4257)

      We democrats have got to be on our toes this last bit of time as the disinformation is coming in at overwhelming speed. We cannot just post things that look correct but are not. the appearance of something being positive needs to be verified as often I am finding that it is more negative once into the posting. There are no shortcuts to passing along good information. It has to be verified by at least 2 reputable sources before it can be trusted. Then the headline to these stories has to conform to reality and not some fantasy of the author that negates the actual message.
     So much going on out there with all the attempts by foreign and domestic infiltrators to unsettle our voting choices. but when it all comes down to it I know that no matter what, every democrat on my ballot will get my mark. That is my plan going forward no matter what passes for information across my awareness. The last almost 4 years has already convinced me of who trump is and why he needs to go so any late breaking information that is dubious at best will not sway my calculations. If we all are prepared to follow our instincts and the facts we will not be in trouble as to false and down right malicious information that the republican party and the russian government throw our way.
     There are many distractions going on out there but my focus has been on my voting plan. Yesterday I stated that I was going to vote in person here in California but upon further examination, I found that my mail in ballot will begin to be tabulated as soon as it is in the custody of the elections office. So now I will go back to being a mail in voter because my vote will be counted on election day or very soon thereafter. Here in California it is going to be a wipeout of republicans not only nationally but in our cities and counties. Some republicans will survive but they are increasingly becoming more and more irrelevant. I can't say that for other states so each of us has to decide whether to mail in a ballot or just go to an early or election day polling station.

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