Thursday, September 10, 2020

54 days left until the election (#4240)

      The revelations from Bob Woodward's interviews with trump are damning to say the least for trump but they are not enough to make him resign. Because short of a smoking gun lethal felony he is staying where he is to keep from his life getting much worse quickly. He is a cad for sure and the many of us tried to let everyone know that 4 years ago but the message was lost on too many. But now the message is ringing clear with all those who didn't take the time to vet him last time. This election is now on par with being a lopsided democratic victory that will flow down ballot to other democrats. Which is what is needed to make the complicit republican party pay for their attempt to game our elections, among other underhanded things.
     The deal with the type of person trump is, is real simple. He has no empathy for those who are not him. His children, his close associates are just props in the daily life of his existence. The clinical term for his type of being is somewhere between narcissist and sociopath. I am no psychology major nor an amateur medical prognosticator, yet my eyes and ears tell me that he is not within the bounds of normalcy and his affliction is always aimed at what is better for him regardless of the cost to others. So when he is given deference on subjects well beyond his scope of understanding we are feeding his ego to a much more elevated irrational state.
     The election is now only 54 days from the count. That is how we will remove trump from office. He will never self remove because like I said he knows the law will be after him without his protected immunity. As the drip drip drip of information that is damning to him continues it helps we the opposition to trump keep our message out there that he is not worthy of continuing to be the appointed president. With many states beginning early voting over the next 9 days the cost of his arrogance and self admiration is coming due. We will make him leave after January 20, 2021 regardless of his coup attempt to disown and denigrate our voting him out on November 3, 2020.

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