Sunday, September 20, 2020

44 days left until the election (#4250)

      8 states are already doing their early voting with more to follow in the weeks to come. This election is underway and if trump hasn't made his argument yet for his reappointment to the presidency he likely won't return. As the polls have been consistently favoring Joe Biden by about double digits nationally it appears that trump has not made his argument successfully. With now the supreme court seat open due to RGB's untimely death we democrats have another explosive reason to vote against the wanna be tyrant trump. As well his sycophants in the senate who are trying to dishonor RGB's legacy by filling her seat with a contrarian to her ideals.
     So if it wasn't bad enough for trump going into these early days of voting it just got worse. He will likely shove his pick through his bootlicking republican senators. But there will be a price to pay for that. We democrats are not always fast to anger but on the subject of RBG we are poised and beyond percolated. If there was a chance that if we Democrats got the White House and the Senate back this election we would have been closed to expanding the Supreme Court that chance has been nullified. The republican party in their repulsive greed have awakened our party's ire and for that there will be a heavy political cost extracted from them.
     The early voting everywhere is on par with our blue wave tsunami that was already expected but the degree to which it is being laser focused foretells of a swamping of the republican party and any damage they do to our democracy and our civil society will be dealt with in extraordinary terms. Eliminating the filibuster for legislation. Expanding the Supreme Court. Passing legislation that will end any further collusion like we are seeing in the Executive branch. Adding two states, DC and Puerto Rico. Readjusting our society to end the influence of private political donations that are unchecked and making voting a valued thing that is universal and unobstructed. There is so much we are going to do after January 20, 2021 as the hellscape of the trump reign is about to end.

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