Tuesday, September 22, 2020

42 days left until the election (#4252)

      6 weeks we have left until the count begins. In the next 6 weeks the impetus is on us who want to see the back side of trump for the last time. I have little to no doubt that the enthusiasm to get to early voting in every state is on our democratic side. The smug republicans know they are getting what they want no matter who is elected so the only ones who are rabid about voting for them are his sociopathic core base. The rest of them will just sit back and enjoy the ride to a larger supreme court conservative base. They may enjoy it now but the time is almost here where the reality of what is won't be. I also have little to no doubt that we democrats will employ nuclear options on a variety of solutions.
     Best to keep those decisions to ourselves for now and just focus on getting our vote out and recorded. The civility it takes to be an enlightened society has waned because of the diseased republican condescension that they are the only ones to lead and their strategy of the means always justifies the end. Well we democrats in the past have displayed honor in the face of cruelty and deviousness and that did not work. So, although we are slow to change, change we must and this change coming is not something that will be denied. The reality of the past will now dictate the reality of the future and no more shall the minority republican party dictate the destruction of our democracy.
     I saw this very real possibility on election day in 2016. In my scenario we the many democrats were not going to survive the trumps and their obscene reign. Yet we did and for that I am grateful so anything that republicans do to us now is still chump change to we not being alive at all. So bring on what trumps have left and then when the voting makes clear that we democrats have blue wave "tsunamied" the republican party we will go about reversing and correcting the impact of the last devastating four years. All options are on the table and that table will be filled with angry aggressive liberal/progressive proponents of change!

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