Friday, September 4, 2020

60 days left until the election (#4234)

      Okay, another block of 10 days put behind us. I cannot tell you how much it means to me to see these days behind us and the voting day that much closer. 6 more blocks of 10 days and we are all eligible to vote, those of us who have registered to vote and haven't already voted via mail in or early voting, on election day. Many corporations and large companies are actually giving people paid time off to vote or allowing them the day off as a incentive to vote. Voting, what does it mean? It means everything in a Democracy. It is the lifeblood of how our system of government functions, or in the current case, how it doesn't function when we the all of us don't vote.
     People like trump, who can sneak into the office of the president because 46.9% of eligible voters didn't vote in 2016, is the example of what happens when we take our Democracy for granted. The Russian leader putin had much to do with it and when trump is gone and a fierce defender of Democracy is back in our White House the payment for his meddling will come due to putin. The greatest form of government ever devised cannot be undermined if we don't let it and the clarion call for this election is that very same concern. That trump didn't complete his takeover of our democracy in his first term is due to the fight we still have in us and yet if he gets another 4 years he will likely complete his coup of our sacred American Democracy.
     In 60 days though we have the bettering of him in our sights. The angst we the many have felt these last 4 years has come to its crescendo and the noise we make on November 3rd will not soon be unheard! The early voting time is coming and so are we who have fought hard against the chaos and division trump has instigated into our lives. Some think that this contest for the will of America is going to be close. I am not one of those, instead I am of the stance that we the blue wave tsunami will swamp the pit of trumps with such force that not only will trump lose his election but many of his republican allies in the senate, house and the statehouses will be defeated. This is going to be a glorious 2020 for the last part of it to make up for the hard of the 2020 we have had to endure under trumps.

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