Friday, February 4, 2022

(#4751) The economy will carry us democrats to victory in the 2022 midterm election.

      With the latest jobs report far outdoing expectations and revisions for the last few months increased, the jobs outlook is not only healthy but it is expanding. With more people working there will be greater demand for goods and services which will keep job growth expanding. What it will also do is decrease inflation as when there are more goods and services hitting the marketplace the prices will decrease in order to get the best profits. Bringing manufacturing back to the US is essential to providing good paying jobs and much greater access to products.
     With the job market offering now higher wages despite republican efforts to keep the federal minimum wage ridiculously low, businesses and corporations are raising wages in order to keep workers from moving to other offers of higher pay. All of this is good because when the working middle poor class get money we spend it thus keeping the demand for goods and services healthy. With the unemployment rate hovering just at 4% many are not having a difficult time finding work. So with more people working at higher wages the economy will be robust and inclusive for the foreseeable future especially with inoculations available for Covid.
     What this means is that any argument against democrats on economic issues will be tempered with facts that prove otherwise. With no real argument against the current economic drive, fueled by democratic policies, the republican party hasn't a kitchen table substance to show that they should be running the show. As well with the ongoing insurrection investigations and trials the American electorate is constantly being reminded that the republican party is a ruthless and oppressive organization that offers nothing of importance to the working middle poor class and is actually a threat to our society and government.

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